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A Season of Grief

Weeping may endure for a night

Grieving and mourning are normal emotions in the event of a loss. These emotions are often referred to as a process, however it is more feasible to say "journey." Normally, when one is on a journey, there is a destination point...a point of reaching, if you will. Reaching that point does not mean that you will not have painful memories, it does not mean that you will not have days of tears; even uncontrollable ones. And it certainly does not mean that you no longer love you departed one.

Grieving does happen in stages. These stages are commonly known as:

1. Denial and Isolation

2. Anger

3. Bargaining

4. Depression

5. Acceptance

However, let it be known that God is the Source of our Comforter. Jesus tells us in John 14:1 not to let our hearts be troubled. Further in verse 16, He tells us, "And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-

Below, are 365 days of Scripture inspired readings that can assist you in your grieving journey. This journey is ultimately a personal experience. Nobody can really help you "go" through or understand your journey "exactly". Nobody can feel all of the emotions that you feel. But others can be there for you and help comfort you, if only its just by being there silently. It's normal to be want to be alone, shutting everyone out, but its not healthy.

And most of all, make sure You are in a right standing relationship with your Savior. Physical death is inevitable.

I pray that these daily readings are of some comfort.

Day 1: Understanding Your Grief

Day 2: Grief is a Unique Experience

Day 3: Grief Runs Deep: Where is the Hope?

Day 4: Grief Lasts Longer Than Expected

Day 5: He Will Carry You

Day 6: Unpredictable Emotions

Day 7: Random Emotions

Day 8: Grief is Harder than You Think

Day 9: Grief is Disruptive

Day 10: Identify Your Losses

Day 11: Losing a Part of Yourself

Day 12: Doubting Your Faith

Day 13: Spiritual Breakthrough

Day 14: Joy Can Return

Day 15: Be Equipped For Recovery

Day 16: Shock

Day 17: Denial

Day 18: A Time to Move Forward

Day 19: Embrace the Grieving Process

Day 20: Grief is a Journey

Day 21: Grief Cannot Be Rushed

Day 22: Don't Rush Me

Day 23: Rock Bottom

Day 24: Uncontrollable Emotions

Day 25: A Series of Losses

Day 26: Loss History

Day 27: Healing

Day 28: Grief Can Ambush

Day 29: Grief Can Feel Unending

Day 30: Special Days Trigger Grief

Day 31: You Cannot Go Back

Day 32: You Can't Stay Here

Day 33: Go Forward With God

Day 34: Women and Men Grieve Differently

Day 35: Men in Grief

Day 36: Feeling the Need to Be In Control

Day 37: Facing Your Emotions

Day 38: Uncomfortable Expressing Emotions

Day 39: Society's Superficial Response

Day 40: Talk About It

Day 41: Sharing Your Grief

Day 42: Share Honestly

Day 43: The First Principle of the Journey: Honesty

Day 44: The Second Principle of the Journey: Be Expressive

Day 45: Be Involved

Day 46: What Are You Feeling?

Day 47: Sudden Loss

Day 48: Grieving Before the Loss

Day 49: God's Grace

Day 50: Grief Intervention

Day 51: Healthy Grieving: Step One

Day 52: Healthy Grieving: Step Two

Day 53: Healthy Grieving: Step Three

Day 54: Healthy Grieving: Step Four

Day 55: Healthy Grieving: Step Five

Day 56: Healthy Grieving: Step Six

Day 57: Healthy Grieving: Step Seven

Day 58: Your Emotions

Day 59:

Day 299: The Bible: Understand It

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