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One Day at a Time

The foundation for healing during and after a divorce, is a relationship with your Savior. It's a very confusing time for all involved. Some of the emotions experienced, are the same ones that are experienced when someone loses a loved one in death. The 365 entries below, One Day at a Time, are intended to assist you through your journey.
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of
them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you.
He will not leave you nor forsake you.”
Deuteronomy 31:6
- Day 1: What's Happening?
- Day 2: Why Divorce Hurts So Much
- Day 3: The Level of Pain
- Day 4: Alienation: What is It?
- Day 5: The Church Can Help You
- Day 6: Not Sure About the Church
- Day 7: Coping with Feelings of Isolation
- Day 8: Pointed in the Right Direction
- Day 9: Energy Distribution
- Day 10: Imbalanced Energy Distribution
- Day 11: Feeling Guilty About Lack of Balance
- Day 12: Search for Stability
- Day 13: Stabilizing Your Life: How Long Will it Take
- Day 14: Fishing in the Desert
- Day 15: The Impact of a New Relationship
- Day 16: Embrace Your Singleness
- Day 17: Face Reality
- Day 18: Daily Choices
- Day 19: Can You Heal from Divorce without Christ
- Day 20: Help through the Holy Spirit
- Day 21: Spiritual Stabilization
- Day 22: Emotional Stabilization
- Day 23: Spiritual Support

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